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What is plagiarism?

  • Adoption of other people's ideas as one’s own, improper imitation of artistic, literary, scientific work;

  • Activity in which a person wrongfully pretends to be the author of a work or idea;

  • Intentional or unintentional violation of citation rules (non-citation, incorrect citation, etc.);

  • The ČSN ISO 5127–2003 standard defines plagiarism as “the presentation of the intellectual work of another author, borrowed or imitated in whole or in part, as one’s own.”

How to prevent plagiarism?

By correctly adopting the ideas through

  • Literal citation of the text in quotation marks with added bibliographic data;

  • Combination of citation and paraphrase with added bibliographic data;

  • Paraphrase of the original text without quotation marks with added bibliographic data.

Three basic rules:

  1. Distinguish assumed ideas from one's own.

  2. Refer to the original source.

  3. Mark the original source so that it can be traced.

Plagiarism and legislation

Copyright Act, with its full title Act No. 121/2000 coll., on Copyright, on Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendments to Certain Acts (Czechia, 2000) does not directly define the term plagiarism, but regulates the rights of authors to their works as well as the conditions of use of copyright and the remuneration for such use [Infogram, c2009].

The Act on Higher Education Institutions, with its full title Act No. 111/1998 coll., On Higher Education Institutions and on Amendments and Supplementations to Certain Acts, does not define the concept of plagiarism, but allows a higher education institution to define a disciplinary offense within its internal regulations under § 64 and it sets sanctions for this offense under § 65.

Pursuant to § 64, a disciplinary offense is a culpable breach of obligations stipulated by legal regulations or internal regulations of a university and its units, such as plagiarism. The offender may be punished for such a disciplinary offense: by reprimand; conditional expulsion from studies; or even expulsion from studies [Czechia, 1998].

Universities regulate the issue of plagiarism in connection with the Act on Higher Education Institutions by their internal regulations. Sanctions for disciplinary offenses are usually regulated by the internal disciplinary rules of the faculty or university.

At Charles University, the issue of plagiarism is addressed by the Rector’s Directive No. 13/2020.

Anti-plagiarism systems


Theses.cz is used to detect plagiarism in final and graduate theses and more than 50 universities and higher vocational schools in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are involved. Among them are public, private and state schools. At the same time it is a register of works; metadata/information about the work can be publicly searchable. The school itself decides to whom it makes metadata and full texts of works available: to anyone on the Internet, to students or school staff, or to no one.


The application for electronic submission and evaluation of the content of seminar and final theses is used at the world's leading universities to provide feedback to students, training in academic writing and prevention of plagiarism. The Turnitin application makes it very easy to compare the content of academic theses with a large database of documents including - in addition to freely available websites - also licensed resources and repositories of final theses.

Used at FSV UK.

Last change: September 2, 2024 20:16