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Basic rules for creating bibliographic citations according to the ČSN ISO 690 standard


The bibliographic citation should clearly identify the cited document.


We take the data for the bibliographic citation from the cited source (= from the document we have worked with). We cite a specific edition or version.


Primarily, we take over the data from the title page (introductory screens, websites, labels on the disk, etc.), another source of information is stated in the following order: the back of title page, page header, cover, accompanying documentation (e.g. a leaflet, manual). If any information appears in the document in various forms, the form appearing in the prominent place is used.


The order of the data is strictly determined by the standard.


The bibliographic citation should be as accurate as possible. Mandatory data cannot be omitted if they are available in the document. We also recommend that you provide optional information if it is important to identify the cited document.


If any data are missing, they are skipped and the next one follows. In some cases, the data can be traced in other sources or replaced by an alternative wording.


If we take over any of the data from another source, we state it in square brackets. If we take over or guess multiple data in a row, we combine them into one bracket. Corrections are also placed in square brackets.

We do not know the place of publication (but we are able to find it):

We will write [Prague]: Computer Press, 2008.

The document states the year 1959 (obviously wrong). We will write 1959 [1995]


The data are recorded in the language in which they are given in the cited document. In the language of the bibliographic citation only the following is stated: the physical description of the book (page range), notes and additions in round brackets and data from other sources in square brackets. The exception is Point I.

Prague: Grada, 2010.



Any element that is not in Latin script is transliterated (e.g. Cyrillic) or transcribed (e.g. Chinese characters). A non-Latin font is converted into Latin, using conversion tables or applications.


The form of bibliographic citations must be uniform throughout the document (uniform style, format, and punctuation).

Rules for creating a bibliography

  • If the author cites his/her other works (so-called self-citations), s/he places these works in the list of bibliographic citations before other sources, which are further arranged alphabetically.

  • Bibliographic citations of a single author's document precede bibliographic citations of works by multiple authors that begin with the same name.

    BĚLOHLÁVEK, František. 15 typů lidí: jak s nimi jednat, jak je vést a motivovat.

    Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3001-1.

    BĚLOHLÁVEK, František; KOŠŤAN, Pavol a ŠULEŘ, Oldřich. Management.

    Olomouc: Rubico, 2001. ISBN 80-858-3945-8. c.

  • Multiple bibliographic citations of works by one author rank from the oldest document.

    BĚLOHLÁVEK, František. Jak řídit a vést lidi: testy, případové studie, styly řízení,

    motivace a hodnocení. 4. vyd. Brno: CP Books, 2005. ISBN 978-80-247-3001-1.

    BĚLOHLÁVEK, František. 15 typů lidí: jak s nimi jednat, jak je vést a

    motivovat. Praha: Grada, 2010. ISBN 978-80-247-3001-1.

  • Bibliographic citations of works by multiple authors, beginning with the same name, are arranged chronologically.

    NOVÁK, Jan.

    NOVÁK, Jan et al.

    NOVÁK, Jan a NOVOTNÝ, Zdeněk … 2008

    NOVÁK, Jan a ADAMEC, Jaroslav … 2010

  • Corporations are arranged alphabetically according to the first semantic word of the corporation.

Ways of referencing within ČSN ISO 690

Name and date (so-called Harvard method)

The name of the author and the year of publication of the cited source are given in the text in the form (name, date, page). If the author's name occurs naturally in the text, the year of publication follows in parentheses, if not, then the name and year are given in parentheses. If two or more sources have the same author and year of publication, they are differentiated with lower case of an alphabet (Smith 1980a, p. 25).

The list of citations is arranged alphabetically by the authors' last names with the year of publication, which in this method is not stated after the publisher, but directly after the author after the comma.

Sample reference

At the intrapersonal level, communication research focuses on information processing (McQuail, 2002, p. 29). For example, Holá (2006) argues that communication can be characterized as a process of sharing certain information. However, what is said does not yet mean heard (Šuleř, 2009b, p. 75)

Sample bibliography

HOLÁ, Jana, 2006. Interní komunikace ve firmě. Brno: Computer Press. ISBN 80-251-1250-0.

McQUAIL, Denis, 2002. Úvod do teorie masové komunikace. Vyd. 2. Praha: Portál. ISBN 80-7178- 714-0.

ŠULEŘ, Oldřich, 2009b. 100 klíčových manažerských technik: komunikování, vedení lidí, rozhodování a organizování. Brno: Computer Press. ISBN 978-80-251-2173-3.

Numerical references

By a number in parentheses, square brackets, or superscript, we refer to the cited sources in the text in the order in which they are first cited. They are cross-linked in a text editor. Subsequent references to the same cited source will receive the same number as the first. The location of the citation in the document is written in numbers. The bibliography is arranged by a numerical reference number.

Sample reference

At the intrapersonal level, communication research focuses on information processing15. For example, Holá25 argues that communication can be characterized as a process of sharing certain information. However, what is said does not yet mean heard 8 p. 7

Sample bibliography

8. ŠULEŘ, Oldřich. 100 klíčových manažerských technik: komunikování, vedení lidí, rozhodování a organizování. Brno: Computer Press, 2009. ISBN 978-80-251-2173-3.

15. McQUAIL, Denis. Úvod do teorie masové komunikace. Vyd. 2. Praha: Portál, 2002 ISBN 80- 7178-714-0.

25. HOLÁ, Jana. Interní komunikace ve firmě. Brno: Computer Press, 2006. ISBN 80-251- 1250-0.

Continuous notes

By a number in parentheses, square brackets, or superscript, we refer to the cited sources in the text in the order in which they appear in the text. Each bibliographic citation of the same information source will receive a special number. Only one number is given (similarly to the Harvard system or a numerical form it’s not possible to give two references in a row), but more than one bibliographic citation can be given in one note.

The notes are listed in numerical order. They are numbered continuously throughout the document. A note that refers to the information source mentioned in the previous note should either repeat the full bibliographic reference or indicate the number of the earlier note with eventual page numbers. In the case of a more extensive work (master’s thesis, etc.), it is possible to provide an alphabetical list of all cited sources at the end of the document.

Sample reference

At the intrapersonal level, communication research focuses on information processing18. For example, Holá19 argues that communication can be characterized as a process of sharing certain information. However, what is said does not yet mean heard20.


At the intrapersonal level, communication research focuses on information processing (18). For example, Holá (19) argues that communication can be characterized as a process of sharing certain information. However, what is said does not yet mean what heard (20).

Sample bibliography

2. McQUAIL, Denis. Úvod do teorie masové komunikace. Vyd. 2. Praha: Portál, 2002. ISBN 80- 7178-714-0.


5. HOLÁ, Jana. Interní komunikace ve firmě. Brno: Computer Press, 2006. ISBN 80-251- 1250-0. 21


18. ŠULEŘ, Oldřich. 100 klíčových manažerských technik: komunikování, vedení lidí, rozhodování a organizování. Brno: Computer Press, 2009. ISBN 978-80-251-2173-3.

19. McQUAIL, Denis, ref. 2, p. 75

20. HOLÁ, Jana, ref. 5

Sample citations

Book - printed

Citation structure - mandatory elements are in bold

Creator’s name. Title: subtitle. Secondary title. Edition. Another creator. Edition name and numbering. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. Standard identifier(s). Notes.

McQUAIL, Denis. Úvod do teorie masové komunikace. Vyd. 1. S českou předmluvou Jana Jiráka. Praha: Portál, 1999. ISBN 80-7178-200-9.

FRANKLIN, Bob; HAMER, Martin; HANNA, Mark; KINSEY, Marie a RICHARDSON, John E. Key Concepts in Journalism Studies.  1st ed. London: SAGE, 2005. ISBN 0-7619-4482-6.

Book - electronic

The e-book is cited in the same way as the printed book. In addition, information on access to the digitized form of the book is provided with the wording “Available from:” (e.g. URL address, CD storage location, etc.)

Creator’s name. Title: subtitle. Type of medium. Secondary title. Edition. Another creator. Edition name and numbering. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication. Standard identifier(s). Availability and access. Notes.

BECKMAN, Ludvig. The Boundaries of Democracy: a Theory of Inclusion. Online. Taylor and Francis, 2022. eISBN 978-1-003-35980-7. Available from: https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003359807. [cited 2024-08-08].

Article in a printed book – for instance, chapter, article in an anthology

The article in the e-book is cited in the same way. In addition, information on access to the digitized form of the book is provided with the wording “Available from:” (e.g. URL address, CD storage location, etc.)

Author of the chapter. Chapter title: subtitle. In: Author of the book. Book title: subtitle. Edition. Another creator of the book. (e.g. illustrator or translator, if relevant). Title and edition number. Place of publication: Name of publisher, Year of publication. Numbering (e.g. volume number). The range of pages of the chapter. ISBN. 

Additional information can be added at any convenient place.

HOBBS, Renee. Issues of Pedagogy, Alignment, and Context in Assessing Measures of Media Literacy. In: FASTREZ, Pierre a LANDRY, Normand (eds.). Media Literacy and Media Education Research Methods: a Handbook. Routledge research and media education research methods. Routledge, 2024, pp. 200-219. ISBN 978-0-367-49264-9.

HEISKALA, Risto and SELG, Peeter.Power, Regulation, and Social Order in the Intersection of Political and Social Theory. Online. In: ABRUTYN, Seth a LIZARDO, Omar (eds.). Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory. Cham: Springer, 2021, pp. 169-192. Available from: https://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/cuni/detail.action?pq-origsite=primo&docID=6797295. [paywall].[cit. 2024-08-08].

Citing of periodicals - newspapers, journals

Name of the periodical. Media type. Secondary name. Edition. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication, Numbering. Standard identifier (ISSN). Availability and access. Location. Date of citation Notes.

The type of medium, the date of citation and the availability are stated only for electronic periodicals.

Volume, number, and pages can be given only in the following form:

2010, vol. 5, no. 8, p. 25-45.

Electronic periodical as a whole

ProInflow. Časopis pro informační vědy. Online. 2009– . ISSN 1804-2406. Dostupné z: https://journals.phil.muni.cz/proinflow [cit. 2024-07-10].

Article in electronic periodical

KATIC, Ivana V. a HILLMAN, Amy. Corporate Political Activity, Reimagined: Revisiting the Political Marketplace. Online. Journal of Management. 2023, vol. 49, nr. 6, pp. 1911-1938. ISSN 0149-2063. Available from: https://doi.org/10.1177/01492063221137069. [cit. 2024-08-09].

Article in a printed journal

ROŽÁNEK, Filip. Éter plný soukromníků. Jak vznikala a zase zanikala soukromá rádia v České republice. Dějiny a současnost. 2023, roč. 45, č. 4, s. 18-21. ISSN 0418-5129.


The name of the website creator. Website name. Website seat name. Media type. Edition/version. Another creator. Place of publication: Publisher, Date of publication, Date of update/revision. Standard identifier. Website availability and access. Location. Date of citation. Notes.

One page from the website

WEBNODE. O Webnode. Webnode.com. Online. ©2008-2023. Available from: https://www.webnode.com/cs/o-nas/ [cit. 2024-08-09].

Citation of a blog post

QUADERI, Nandita. Mapping the path to future changes in the Journal CItation Reports. Online, blogový příspěvek. March 7, 2023. Available from: Clarivate.com, https://clarivate.com/blog/mapping-the-path-to-future-changes-in-the-journal-citation-reports/. [cit. 2024-08-09].

Post on Twitter/Facebook/YouTube

UNIVERZITA KARLOVA: Fakulta sociálních věd [@fsvuk]. Naše vědkyně získaly prestižní grant Horizon Europe. Online, post. 2023-05-05T16:16. Available from: Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/fsvuk/posts/pfbid02mqibTGxbJb89m27uLtUi6coBerdDNkQN489CWTz88xQKAE7d2kraijpuh3RyJu4Ul. [cit. 2024-08-09].

ESPOO [@espoo]. [Kdo by to byl rekl…]. Online, post. 2011-05-15. Dostupné z: Twitter, http://twitter.com/#!/espoo/status/69865967194357760 [cit. 2024-08-9].

(If the tweet contains a hashtag, it is given as the title.)

KUMBHAR, Nilesh [@MyResearchSupport]. Free and Fast Publication SCOPUS and Web of Science Indexed Journals II Acceptance Rate up to 97%. Online, video. 2023-06-10. Available from: YouTube,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA9b79s6aGA. [cit. 2024-08-09].


Distinguish between personal communication and public communication available, for example, via e-mail correspondence. Personal communication cannot be verified by a third party, so use it only when really necessary. Personal communication is not specified by the 690 standard. The following method is recommended, for example:

Personal communication

INFO@VYZKUM.cz. 2016-11-30. Novinky ze serveru Vyzkum.cz. E-mail [Personal communication].

Public communication

MODEL, Josh. NCBI Blast Report – Expect(2). Online. In: BIO-SOFTWARE/bionet.software. Wed Mar 22 19:03:14 EST 2006 Available from: http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/bio-soft/2006-March/024540.html. [cit. 2024-08-09].


The standard does not regulate the citation of laws, but it is recommended to cite them as a contribution in a periodical (the only exception is the location of the date), as the Collection of Laws is a specific serial publication.


ČESKO. Zákon č. 111 ze dne 22. dubna 1998 o vysokých školách a o změně a doplnění dalších zákonů (zákon o vysokých školách). Online. In: Sbírka zákonů České republiky. 1998, částka 39, s. 5388-5419. ISSN 1211-1244. Available from: https://www.e-sbirka.cz/sb/1998/111?zalozka=text [cit. 2024-08-09].

Bachelor’s and master’s theses

Creator. Title. Type of work. Place of creation, Name of the school, fakulty, year of creation.

HUBENÝ, Petr. Analýza vlastností protiskluzových zařízení. Diplomová práce. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita. Fakulta elektrotechnická, 2010.

HELMICH, Daniel. Analýza politické komunikace na sociálních sítích během volby prezidenta České republiky v roce 2023. Online, diplomová práce. Praha: Univerzita Karlova, Fakulta sociálních věd, 2023. Available from: 

https://dspace.cuni.cz/handle/20.500.11956/182842. [cit. 2024-08-09].

Personal interview (unpublished)

The name of the person answering the questions should be mentioned in the citation in the first place – i.e. in the position of the first author. If the interview is conducted more in the form of a certain discussion or polemics, we would mention the interviewer immediately after the name of the interviewee.

NOVÁK, Jan and Andrea KUČEROVÁ. Vývoj koronaviru. Prague, 12.3.2020. [personal communication].


Creator (director).Title of the film. Type of medium (film, DVD, CD, online). Edition/version. Country of production: publisher, year/date of publication year. Notes (length of film, subject, etc.).

ANNAU, Jean-Jacques (director). Jméno růže. Film, DVD. Praha: Warner Bros, 2004. 131 min. According to the book of the same name by Umberto Eco.

Last change: September 3, 2024 11:10