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There is Harvard and Harvard

You may encounter a teacher’s request to cite “according to Harvard.” This request is quite common, but can be a bit confusing. The Harvard referencing system is an umbrella term for a referencing method that works on the “Name-Date” principle. It is a relatively clear system, so it is very popular among scientists. However, there may be differences between individual styles within the "Author-Date" method, such as which data are required and how the bibliography is created.

Citing according to Harvard probably most often means that you have to cite according to ČSN ISO 690 and use the method of referencing "Name and date", which is called the Harvard method. However, other citation styles, such as APA, Chicago, etc., also work with the "Name-Date" referencing method. If you are not sure which style to use, ask the teacher for the specifications - ideally with reference to the instructions – according to which you have to cite.

Sample citation using the “Name-Date” referencing method in different styles


Bawden, D., & Robinson, L. (2017). Úvod do informační vědy. Flow.


HOLÁ, Jana, 2006. Interní komunikace ve firmě. Brno: Computer Press. ISBN 80-251-1250-0.


Smith, Zadie. 2016. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press.

Last change: November 27, 2021 20:22