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Frequent Mistakes

One of the most frequent mistakes that occur is the use of diverse citation managers and tools to create bibliographic citations. According to ISO 690, for example, each individual citation is OK, but all of them cannot be used in a single list.


An example of correct citations that cannot be used in one bibliography because each one

of them is created differently:

  • BULGARELLI, Ulderico – CERIMELE, Maria Mercede – ZARETTI, Anna. A Numerical Model Related to an Astrophysical Problem, Applied Mathematics and Computation, January 1989. Vol. 29, no. 1, str. 17–38.

  • DÄNIKEN, Erich von, 1994. Prorok minulosti. Praha: Naše vojsko. Fakta a svědectví, sv. 119. ISBN 80‑206‑0434‑0.

  • Doleček, J. (2009). Moderní učebnice elektroniky. 6. díl, Kmitočtové filtry, generátory signálu a převodníky dat. Praha: BEN. ISBN 978‑80‑7300‑240‑4.

  • HANUŠ, J. (ed.). Dějiny kultury a civilizace Západu v 19. století. Brno: Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury, 2002. Dějiny a kultura, sv. 5. ISBN 80‑7325‑006‑3.

  • Herout, Pavel. Učebnice jazyka C. 6. vyd. České Budějovice: Kopp, 2009. ISBN 978‑80‑7232‑383‑8

  • HROMÁDKO, Jan, Jiří HROMÁDKO a Petr MILER, Vladimír HÖNIG a Martin CINDR. Technologie výroby biopaliv druhé generace. Chemické listy. 2010, 104(8), 784–790. ISSN 0009‑2770.

  • KOTLER, Philip a ARMSTRONG, Gary. Principles of Marketing. 9th ed. New Jersey: Prentice‑Hall, 2001. ISBN 0‑13‑029368‑7.

A mistake can also include disharmony between the in-text referencing and the list of citations:

The Harvard method of referencing (name, date) very often appears in the text of the thesis, but in the list of bibliographic citations the year of publication of the work is not placed immediately after the author, which is what the whole style (system) is based on.

It is, therefore, necessary to follow a uniform citation style both in the in-text referencing and in the list of used literature.

Another relatively frequent mistake is to omit the space after the punctuation mark or to use a hyphen instead of a dash in the extent (e.g. of pages or years):

ŠIMETKA,Ondřej. Zmenšující (destruktivní) operace. Moderní gynekologie a porodnictví,2009,roč.18,č. 3, s.285-289. ISSN:1211-1058.

Conversely, in the titles with secondary titles, there is often an erroneous space placed on either side of the colon. It is usually created by copying from the library catalog.

PROŠKOVÁ, Eva. Mýty a skutečnost specializované způsobilosti všeobecných sester. Florence : časopis moderního ošetřovatelství, 2010, 6(6), 3–4. ISSN 1801-464X.

It is also a frequent mistake not to give the exact date for sources that require this: online sources, patents, radio or television broadcasts (time is also stated here). Especially in the Harvard style, where the year of publication is given right after the author. The more precise date must then be given in the usual place.

Last change: November 27, 2021 15:30